Essential New Puppy Supplies Every Dog Owner Should Have - Kwik Pets

Essential New Puppy Supplies Every Dog Owner Should Have

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You must make sure your environment is prepared for a new puppy before bringing one home. Making a list of the things you'll need is advised because puppies need a lot of attention and care before the right pet health insurance plan. Getting these essentials for your new puppy is a fantastic place to start.

Dog Toys

Dog toys are one of the most important to buy when you bring a new puppy because it helps the dog in growing. The puppy toys boost their mental and physical stimulation. The toys help in growing strong teethes and bones by giving them a good work-up body. To help train your puppy to start teething or chewing, we advise buying a variety of tactile toys. Nevertheless, we believe it's crucial to get a plush toy to rub on the pups' mother and siblings so you may bring their aroma home with you. 

Dog Crate

A dog crate is essential to buy when you are planning to welcome a new puppy. Because that crate became their comfort place, they rest and heal in that particular comfort zone while they are puppies. And get an understanding of their bed and space. Sometimes getting a big crate is good, the dog can use it for a longer period. Apart from that the puppies get attached to their bed. If they have the same bed for a long time, that will help train your dog for a comfortable space eventually without you being around sometimes.  


For a dog to grow up, food is important, especially the chews. The chews help in keeping the teeth stronger and cleaner. There are tons of flavors available for chews. The chews are suitable for all ages and size dogs, just see what chews are preferable for your dog. Be prepared for some unpleasant chewing if you've never had a puppy, including your hands, feet, clothing, furniture, and shoes. Prior to your puppy's maturity and the loss of his puppy teeth, a nice dog chew will assist in redirecting this undesirable behavior.


The first thing is that your dog needs a collar. If you adopt from a breeder or rescue, they might provide you with a dog collar, but it's likely that you'll prefer one that matches your preferences. Choose a dog collar that fits your dog properly, has a quick-release clasp for security, and has a robust D-ring that you may attach to a leash. There are some amazing collars to try on big dogs such as Dog collar herm Sprenger. These collars are amazing for training the puppies and going on their walk. 


You can customize or order tags online in advance, or your customized neighborhood pet shop will probably be able to produce one for you the same day. The name and phone number of the pet are the two necessities to include. Additionally, be sure to microchip your puppy in case he loses his collar. The nametags are creativity way to identify your cute puppies. 

Here's a list of additional and essential supplies every dog owner should have for their new puppy:

  • Food and Water Bowls: Choose durable, non-tip bowls that are easy to clean. Consider purchasing separate bowls for food and water.
  • Puppy Food: Consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate type and brand of puppy food for your dog's specific needs. Start with the food your breeder or shelter was feeding, and transition gradually if needed.
  • Bedding: Provide a soft and comfortable bed for your puppy to relax and sleep on. Opt for washable bedding that's suitable for your puppy's size.
  • Puppy Pads or Newspaper: For housetraining purposes, puppy pads or newspapers can be used initially to provide a designated area for your puppy to relieve themselves indoors.
  • Cleaning Supplies: Accidents happen, especially during the housetraining process. Stock up on enzymatic cleaners designed specifically for pet accidents to effectively eliminate odors and stains.
  • Grooming Supplies: Depending on your puppy's breed and coat type, you may need a brush or comb, nail clippers, and gentle pet shampoo for bathing.
  • Puppy Training Pads or Treats: Positive reinforcement is key to training your puppy. Have a supply of training pads or treats on hand to reward good behavior and aid in training sessions.
  • Poop Bags: Responsible pet ownership includes cleaning up after your puppy during walks and outdoor adventures. Keep a roll of poop bags handy for easy disposal.
  • Pet First Aid Kit: Prepare a basic first aid kit for your puppy, including items such as sterile gauze, adhesive tape, antiseptic solution, and a pet thermometer. Consult your veterinarian for specific recommendations.
  • Veterinary Contact Information: Keep the contact details of your veterinarian, including emergency after-hours services, readily available.

Final Words

Remember to provide plenty of love, attention, and patience as you welcome your new puppy into your home. Enjoy this special time together!

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